How To Tell If Your Therapist Doesn’t Like You

Therapists are trained professionals who provide counseling services to patients. They are licensed or certified to practice their profession.

Therapists are also required to undergo training before they can become licensed. However, that doesn’t mean that all therapists would work for you.

There are many people who go to therapy, who often feel as though their therapist doesn’t like them. Or they may be wondering whether their therapists like them.

This is something that makes your journey much more difficult if you are worried about your therapist.

So to help you out, we’ve created a guide that tells you some of the signs that your therapist might not like you and the signs you should change your therapist.

Your Therapist Doesn’t Listen To You

If your therapist doesn’t seem interested in what you have to say, then it’s time to find someone else. The whole point of going to therapy is that you are able to express yourself to your therapist.

In order for this to be effective, they need to listen to you to give you the support you need.

If you feel as though your therapist does not listen to you, this is a sign that they are not the right therapist for you. This is also a possible sign that your therapist does not like you.

Regardless of whether they like you or not, a therapist who does not listen to you is not a good therapist to be with.

Your Therapists Judges You

It is a therapist’s job to be able to assess the situation, you, and your progress. This is what can help them to give you the correct advice and treatment. However, good therapists are able to assess it without judging you.

When it comes to therapy, you should never feel shamed by your therapist. If you do feel shamed then it is because your therapist isn’t remaining non-judgmental.

When someone is judgmental over another person’s life, this can be a clear sign that this person may not like you. This same situation applies to therapists. Therapists should be warm and inviting.

This way, you are more likely to open up to them.

If you are experiencing a therapist who is cold towards you, this is a clear sign that they might not like you. In this case, you should seek another therapist.

After all, it is your right that you are receiving counseling from someone who does their job to a high standard.

Your Therapist Dismisses You

How To Tell If Your Therapist Doesn’t Like You

This sign is similar to your therapist judging you. If you have found yourself in a situation where your therapist is constantly dismissing you, this is a very bad sign. It means that they don’t care about you.

They aren’t listening to you when you speak to them. And they are not treating you fairly.

It is especially important to consider if your therapist is dismissing your experiences. As well as not judging you, your therapist should not make you feel as though your experiences are not valid or important enough to discuss.

In addition to this, you shouldn’t feel disrespected by your therapist. Your therapist needs to treat you with respect. If you feel as though your therapists treat you unfairly, then this is a clear sign they do not like you.

This is why you should look for a new therapist.

Your Therapist Isn’t Being Authentic

Authenticity is key when it comes to therapy. It is how you create a bond with your therapist, especially if you are discussing something difficult.

So when you feel as though your therapist isn’t being authentic, it can derail the progress you have made.

If you feel as though your therapist isn’t being real with you during your sessions and that the advice they are giving you is not authentic, this is a sign you should switch your therapist.

A therapist who is fake will only cause you to doubt yourself. You need to know that you can trust your therapist.

Your Therapist Isn’t Reliable

how to tell if your therapist doesn t like you

If you find yourself in a situation where you can’t count on your therapist to come to the session as they are always canceling on you, then this is a bad sign.

Whilst there may be things going on in your therapist’s life, if you have a  therapist who constantly flakes on your sessions, this might be a sign they don’t like you.

This is not only a sign that this therapist might not like you, but it is also a sign that your therapist is being unprofessional. If this happens on multiple occasions, you should find another therapist.

You need a therapist who is reliable in order for therapy to make an impact on your life.

You And Your Therapists Have Disagreements

Whilst you may not always initially agree with the advice of your therapist, you and your therapist shouldn’t be having arguments.

Though you may find that things have become heated when discussing things with your therapist, if you find that they are not making an effort to resolve the issue, then this could be a sign that they do not like you.

You should feel as though the advice that the therapist is giving you can make a positive impact. Their advice should never distract you from your session.

So if you find yourself with a therapist who argues with you, without resolving any tension then it is time to find a new therapist.

Final Thoughts

As mentioned above, you should be able to see signs that your therapist does not like you. However, some people may not notice these signs until later down the line.

Therefore, if you think that your therapist has been acting strangely towards you, even after several months of treatment, then you should consider finding a new therapist.

We hope that this guide has helped you to feel more confident about spotting the signs to see if your therapist doesn’t like you. It is important to remember that you deserve to have a therapist that supports you.

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About our Author Michelle Landeros, LMFT license# 115130
Author: Michelle Landeros, LMFT

Michelle Landeros is a Licensed Marriage Family Therapist (LMFT). She is passionate about helping individuals, couples and families thrive.

Last updated: May 6, 2024