How to Heal Codependency

How to Heal Codependency

Steps to Building Healthy Relationships

Imagine this analogy: a healthy relationship is akin to a vibrant salad – it’s rich in colors, flavors, and maintains a harmonious balance. On the other hand, a codependent relationship resembles an overripe sandwich that’s been left out for too long.

Recovering from codependency isn’t just about enhancing your relationships; it’s akin to striking gold for your emotional well-being! It involves placing yourself center stage and indulging in significant self-care. The pivotal question remains…

How Do I Know I’m Codependent?

In a codependent dynamic, there’s a tendency to prioritize the emotions of others over your own, causing you to disconnect from your feelings. It’s as though you’re on a constant emotional rollercoaster, except you’re not the one steering. To delve deeper into understanding these emotional patterns, exploring resources like “How to Heal Deep Emotional Wounds” can offer valuable perspectives on such emotional intricacies.

The good news is that you can recover from codependency. However, you must break those codependent behavior patterns and build healthy relationship muscles. Read on as we navigate this journey toward a happier, healthier you. It’s like hitting the gym for your emotional and physical health.

Recognizing the signs of codependency

Recognizing the signs of codependency.

Before tackling codependency head-on, we gotta spot the signs, right? It’s kind of like playing detective in your own life. Lack of Boundaries, Seeking Validation, Fear of Abandonment, and Pleasing Marathon are some key indicators. For more on setting boundaries, “How to Set Boundaries with a Bipolar Person” offers practical advice.

Lack of Boundaries

First up, we have boundaries. Or, well, the lack thereof. Those healthy boundaries vanish into thin air in a codependent relationship. You know, like when you’re constantly putting someone else’s needs above your very own needs, even when it’s not the best for you.

Seeking Validation 

Then there’s the whole validation thing. You always seek a gold star or a pat from others. It can be tough on your own health and self-esteem and is not the recipe for a healthy relationship.

Fear of Abandonment

Oh, and let’s not forget about the fear of abandonment. If you’re always worrying that someone’s gonna leave you high and dry, it can make you do some pretty wild things just to keep them around. Like, seriously, who needs that kind of stress?

Pleasing Marathon

You know, that thing where you’re doing cartwheels nonstop to keep someone else smiling? Just sayin’! Here’s the real deal: in a good, “grown-up relationship,” both folks should be able to find their own interests and happiness, too.

Self-care and self-worth situation

Lastly, there’s the whole self-care and self-worth situation. When you’re stuck in codependent relationships, it’s easy to forget about taking care of yourself and recognizing your value. But guess what? You deserve to feel good, inside and out!

Now that we know the signs, it’s time to use codependency recovery signs to set our recovery goals. Yes, it’s possible to rebuild your self-esteem, find your own feelings again, and create healthy boundaries. You’ve got this!

Ways to Overcome Codependency

Seek Professional Help

Let’s face it, dealing with codependency can feel like trying to untangle a giant ball of yarn, and sometimes you need a helping hand. First, you might want to find a therapist or counselor. The internet is jam-packed with resources for self-help as well. Additionally, understanding the root causes, possibly linked to family members or past experiences, is crucial. For insights into family dynamics, check out “How to Walk Away from a Dysfunctional Family”.

First, you might want to find a therapist or counselor who’s a pro at dealing with relationship issues and with codependency. The therapist will help you put yourself first and focus on your needs, which is important for building healthy romantic relationships.

You should look into group therapy or support groups, too. It’s like having your very own cheerleading squad who just gets you, you know? Plus, it’s an awesome way to lift your spirits and tackle those codependent tendencies and quirks.

The internet is jam-packed with stuff to help you explore your passions, figure out the whole dysfunctional family thing, and kick off some healthy habits. Additionally, don’t forget the self-help books and online goodies! It’s basically like having a GPS for your healing journey.

Develop self-awareness

We’ve covered finding help, but let’s dive into another super important step: developing self-awareness. This stage involves getting to know yourself better and understanding what’s going on inside that beautiful brain of yours.

First, you’ll want to play a detective again and identify those codependent behaviors. It’s like putting together a puzzle of your actions; peer support from family members, group therapy, or a close friend can help.

Next, it’s time to dig deep and determine your codependency’s root causes. Sometimes, it’s got a lot to do with family members or past experiences. 

Sometimes stuff from our past plays a big part in our lives today. Maybe you had a relative who battled addiction, and groups like Alcoholics Anonymous were super involved in your parents’ world.

And while we’re on the topic of the past, it’s important to think back on your previous relationships, too. It’s kinda like hopping in a time machine and figuring out what clicked, what fizzled, and what changes you can make to take better care of yourself.

The self-awareness journey can be a bit of a rollercoaster, especially if you’re a pro at being hard on yourself. But listen up: you gotta show yourself some kindness and compassion, just like you would for your bestie or your fam.

Always remember self-awareness is the secret sauce for tackling codependency. So take the plunge, get up close and personal with yourself, and start laying the groundwork for a happier, healthier version of yourself!

Establish Healthy Boundaries

First off, you gotta learn the magic word: “no.” Sounds simple, right? But sometimes, saying “no” can feel like trying to lift a boulder. It’s all about knowing when to put your foot down, even if it’s just to say no to unsolicited advice or take on more than you can handle.

Clear Communication

Next up, communication is key! It’s time to put those feelings and needs out loud and clear. It might feel a little scary, but trust us; it’s way better than keeping everything bottled up. Plus, it helps prevent you from feeling responsible for other people’s happiness.

Prioritize your well-being

And last but not least, you’ve gotta prioritize your emotional well being-being. This means putting yourself first, and it can take many forms. Maybe you need to step back from relationships that make you feel like you’re always on the hook for someone else’s actions. Or, perhaps it’s time to stop taking things personally and give yourself some space to breathe.

Don’t forget; healthy boundaries are like the building blocks for better adult relationships, and they can help break that codependency cycle passed down from one generation to the next. And if you’re feeling stuck, don’t forget that professional help is always an option to guide you through the process.

Cultivate Self-compassion and Self-love

Cultivate Self-compassion and Self-love.

First up, let’s chat about self-care routines. Whether going for a walk, taking a bubble bath, or just curling up with a good book, it’s all about taking control and prioritizing your well-being. It’s like setting boundaries with yourself and making time for the things that make you feel good.

Take a moment to acknowledge and celebrate all your achievements. It’s like giving yourself a high-five for all the changes you’re making and the healing. You’re doing great!

Work on your image

And finally, it’s time to work on that self-image. You know, the way you see yourself and how you feel about the person you are. Developing a positive self-image is like putting on a fresh pair of glasses that help you see the world in a new light.

Remember, cultivating self-compassion and self-love is an important part of your recovery process. It’s like giving yourself the support you’ve always wanted. So, even when you feel stuck, just know you’ve got this and can set healthy boundaries and overcome codependent behaviors.

Wrapping Up

The healing journey from codependency is personal; sometimes, we all need extra support to guide us. If you’re ready to take that next step and start building a happier, healthier you, why not consider booking a therapy session? It’s a fantastic way to get tailored advice and guidance from a professional who understands your unique struggles and goals.

You’ve got this, and we believe in you! Don’t wait any longer – take charge of your life and give yourself the gift of healing. Reach out to a therapist today and pave the way toward a brighter, more fulfilled future.


About our Author Michelle Landeros, LMFT license# 115130
Author: Michelle Landeros, LMFT

Michelle Landeros is a Licensed Marriage Family Therapist (LMFT). She is passionate about helping individuals, couples and families thrive.

Last updated: April 23, 2024