What To Say When You Talk To Yourself

Do you ever catch yourself chatting with… well, yourself? Don’t worry, it’s not as weird as it sounds! Self-talk isn’t about mumbling to yourself out loud (though that’s okay too). It’s more about the chats you have with yourself in your head.
Guess what? Everyone does it! Today, we’re going to focus on the good stuff – those pep talks, mantras, and motivational convos you have with yourself.
You probably already do this without realizing it. It’s super common when you’re feeling jittery or anxious, trying to power through a tough task, or when you’re feeling down in the dumps.
Your brain is like a supercomputer, but sometimes we forget to use it to our advantage. Remember, it’s usually your mind that throws in the towel before your body does.
That’s why the chats you have with yourself are some of the most important ones you’ll ever have.
In this guide, I’ll share some tips on what to say when you’re talking to yourself. Whether you’re nervous, doubting yourself, feeling blue, or need a mental boost, I’ve got you covered.
Remind Yourself of Your Superpowers
When we’re stressed or facing a challenge, it’s easy to focus on what we think we can’t do. But hold up! We all have our own special talents.
It’s super important to remember these strengths when we’re feeling scared or unsure. So, next time you’re having a chat with yourself, focus on your awesome qualities. Use them to pump yourself up, even if they don’t seem related to what you’re dealing with.
You’ve got strengths, which means you’re strong. Don’t forget it!
Look Back at Your Wins
Just like your strengths, you can use your past victories to boost your mental game when things get tough.
Big or small, your past achievements are like fuel for your mental engine. Think about what you went through to reach those goals.
When you’re giving yourself a pep talk, try saying, “If I could do that, I can definitely handle this.”
Flip the Script
When we’re facing something tricky, it’s normal for our brains to go into panic mode. That little voice starts telling us we can’t do it, we’re not good enough.
It’s natural, but we can fight back.
Train your “opposite voice”. When your mind says you can’t, tell it you can. Imagine those negative thoughts are coming from someone else – maybe a tough coach or a mean rival. Tell them you can do it and prove them wrong!
Keep Your Eye on the Prize
When we’re struggling, it’s easy to forget why we started in the first place.
Whether it’s landing a new job, graduating, working out, or getting out of a tough spot, it’s super important to remember why you’re doing it and what you’ll get out of it.
When you’re talking to yourself, remind yourself why you wanted this so badly. What will you get by pushing through? It might be something you can touch, or it might be something simple like happiness.
Whatever it is, have a little chat with yourself about the rewards. It’ll help you keep going when things get tough.
Face the Facts
Truth is powerful stuff. The problem is, most of us hide from it. We build cozy little safe spaces that shelter us from reality. But that means we don’t grow.
It’s actually pretty freeing to face our weak spots head-on and admit we need to work on them. After all, the only way to beat our weaknesses is to tackle them. And doing that builds confidence and toughness.
So, it’s empowering to tell yourself the truth. If you want something but you’re avoiding it because it scares you, tell yourself you need to face it to beat that fear.
Remember, if something scares you or makes you nervous, there’s a good chance it’s something you need to do for yourself.
Find the Power in Falling Down
Most of us are scared to try new things because we’re afraid of messing up or looking silly. We love staying in our comfort zones and giving up easily. But that means we don’t grow, learn, or get mentally tougher.
When you’re scared of failing, tell yourself there’s incredible power in falling down. Failure teaches us valuable life lessons, shows us new ways to do things, and makes us tougher.
In fact, we should welcome failure with open arms. After all, you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. If we let fear of failure control what we try, we’re giving up before we even start.
Ask the Magic Question
When you’re feeling like you can’t do something, or you can’t keep going, ask yourself two simple words: What if?
In other words: What if I can do this?
What if are two powerful words that can flip your mindset in an instant. It makes you consider the real possibility that you can do what you’re trying to do and will make it through.
So, next time you’re having a chat with yourself and feeling doubtful, ask yourself What if?
Wrapping It Up
Your mind is like a superpower when you learn how to use it right. We are who we think we are, and in the end, it’s what we tell ourselves and believe about ourselves that matters when it comes to what we can achieve.
Life is a mind game, and we’re only competing against ourselves. The talks we have with ourselves can be our best friend or worst enemy, which makes them some of the most important conversations we’ll ever have.
So, start talking to yourself in a way that builds you up, not tears you down. You’ve got this!
Author: Michelle Landeros, LMFT
Michelle Landeros is a Licensed Marriage Family Therapist (LMFT). She is passionate about helping individuals, couples and families thrive.