Women's History Month: The Underdiagnosis of ADHD in Fe

Women’s History Month: The Underdiagnosis of ADHD in Females

During Women’s History Month, as we honor the pivotal contributions of women to our society, it’s crucial to also recognize the unique challenges that women with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) face. Despite increased recognition of ADHD, many women with the condition remain underdiagnosed and lack proper treatment, significantly affecting their quality of life.

The National Institute of Mental Health notes that ADHD impacts about 4% of American adults, with studies indicating that the prevalence among women is comparable to men. Nonetheless, the diagnosis of ADHD in women is frequently overlooked or incorrect, stemming from a shortage of awareness and understanding about how ADHD presents differently in women.

Diagnostic Challenges for Females with ADHD

One reason for the underdiagnosis of ADHD in women is that the diagnostic criteria for the condition were developed based on research conducted primarily on males. This has led to a misunderstanding of how ADHD can manifest in women, who may not exhibit the same hyperactive and impulsive behaviors as men, but instead struggle with symptoms such as disorganization, forgetfulness, and trouble focusing. These issues are further explored in “How to Help a Person with Trust Issues,” which touches on related struggles.

In my practice, we have seen an increase of women coming to get ADHD assessments, which is a promising sign that more women are recognizing their symptoms and seeking help. However, many women with ADHD still face significant barriers to diagnosis and treatment, including stigma surrounding mental health conditions and a lack of awareness among healthcare professionals.

Another factor contributing to the underdiagnosis of ADHD in women is the stigma surrounding mental health conditions, which can make women hesitant to seek treatment or speak openly about their symptoms. Women with ADHD may also face additional challenges, such as the expectations placed on them to multitask and manage multiple responsibilities, which can exacerbate their symptoms and make it difficult to seek help.

adhd in women

The Importance of Addressing the Underdiagnosis of ADHD in Females

Fortunately, awareness of ADHD in women is growing, and more and more women are seeking diagnosis and treatment for the condition. Diagnosis often involves a combination of self-reporting, assessment by a mental health professional, and testing to rule out other conditions. Treatment may include medication, such as Adderall or Ritalin, as well as therapy and coaching to develop strategies for managing symptoms. Treatment may include medication, therapy, and coaching. Understanding the full range of treatments available is crucial, as discussed in “How to Get the Most Out of Therapy.”

In honor of Women’s History Month, it’s important to continue raising awareness of ADHD in women and advocating for better diagnosis and treatment. By recognizing the unique challenges faced by women with ADHD and working to overcome the stigma and barriers to care, we can help women with ADHD live happier, more fulfilling lives. To understand more about ADHD medication, “Can Urgent Care Prescribe Antidepressants?” provides relevant information


Adeel Sarwar’s Bio:

Adeel Sarwar is a psychotherapist based in the UK, specializing in depression, anxiety, ADHD, eating disorders, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). With years of experience in the field, Adeel has seen firsthand the challenges faced by women with ADHD and is dedicated to raising awareness of the condition and advocating for better access to care for all.

Adeel is also a consultant with ADHDtest.ai, a startup that specializes in AI diagnosis for ADHD, and is committed to using the latest technology to improve diagnosis and treatment for individuals with the condition.

For those considering therapy, “Do Therapists Go to Therapy?” can provide valuable perspective.

can adhd develop in adulthood

Can ADHD Develop In Adulthood?

ADHD is a common disorder, and it’s estimated that between 4-5% of people in the USA have ADHD (whether diagnosed or undiagnosed).

Symptoms of ADHD include hyperactivity, restlessness, and a lack of focus, although like any other disorder no two cases are identical.

Most of the time, a person with ADHD receives a diagnosis between the ages of 5-12 years old.

Adults can also be diagnosed if their symptoms weren’t picked up on during their childhood, although this is less common.

But is it possible for an adult with no previous symptoms to suddenly develop ADHD? This article has the answers you need.

Here we’ll take a look at ADHD as a whole, whether it can develop in adults, and why it’s so hard for adults to receive an ADHD diagnosis.

We’ll also take a look at some ways for adults to manage their ADHD symptoms.

What Is ADHD (And How Is It Diagnosed)

First things first, we need to have a good understanding of what ADHD actually is, and how its symptoms are diagnosed.

ADHD (also known as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a developmental disorder that affects people’s concentration, organization, and impulse control.

Contrary to popular belief, having ADHD doesn’t just mean someone’s fidgety or finds it hard to focus.

ADHD has a variety of symptoms, and these can be debilitating if left untreated.

To get an ADHD diagnosis, a person needs to show clear signs of multiple symptoms.

Symptoms of ADHD include restlessness, a lack of focus, poor organization and impulse control, and excessive speaking and movement.

These symptoms often occur together and their intensity can vary from day to day.

People with ADHD don’t have to experience their symptoms all the time, which can make it more difficult to diagnose (particularly when it comes to diagnosing adults).

ADHD is typically diagnosed in children, and symptoms are shown anywhere between 5-12 years old.

But while the majority of new cases are diagnosed in children, sometimes it can take until a person is an adult to get an ADHD diagnosis.

This is tricky for several reasons; but while ADHD can be diagnosed in adulthood, can symptoms start showing themselves later in life as well?

Can ADHD Develop In Adulthood

There isn’t a ‘cure’ for ADHD, and if you have it as a child then the symptoms will persist into adulthood as well.

However, an adult can’t suddenly start developing ADHD symptoms.

While it can take until later in life for a person’s ADHD to be diagnosed, that person would have been experiencing symptoms since childhood but they went under the radar.

ADHD is caused by a variety of factors, including genetic influences or a natural disposition to the disorder.

Age and external factors can influence the severity of symptoms of ADHD, but they won’t cause them to occur in the first place; in essence, ADHD is something that you’re born with.

Adults looking for an ADHD diagnosis can struggle to find the treatment they need.

As mentioned previously, it’s harder for adults to be diagnosed with ADHD as most cases are diagnosed in children.

In addition to the differences in age groups, there are several other reasons why it can be hard for adults with ADHD to be diagnosed.

Symptoms can present themselves differently in adults, which can come as a result of a more-developed brain or better ways of managing symptoms.

Many people with ADHD also ‘mask’, which refers to ways that people disguise their symptoms to better fit in – these can include fidget toys, suppressing stims (repetitive movements or noises), or even trying to stay as quiet and still as possible to avoid saying or doing something ‘unusual’.

While it isn’t the case the majority of the time, medical professionals may also be reluctant to diagnose adults with ADHD.

This could be down to symptoms being less noticeable in adults, where years of masking and dealing with the symptoms of ADHD make it seem less obvious.

Alternatively, some doctors may see the issue as less harmful if it has been untreated for so long, and treating the person’s ADHD with medications or therapy could be considered unnecessary.

Women are also at more of a disadvantage, as they are far less likely to be diagnosed with ADHD at any stage of their life.

Unfortunately, it’s much harder for adults to be properly diagnosed with ADHD; however, a proper diagnosis and treatment can be greatly beneficial, and if you think you may have ADHD then asking for a referral is better done late than never.

Tips For Managing ADHD As An Adult

Despite the difficulties facing adults with ADHD, both diagnosed and undiagnosed, there are plenty of ways to help reduce and manage symptoms.

ADHD doesn’t have to be debilitating, and these techniques can help you stay on top of ADHD symptoms as an adult.

Tips For Managing ADHD As An Adult

Develop Structure

ADHD can make it hard to stay organized, and a lack of structure makes that even worse.

By adding more structure to your day (via a timetable, deadlines, and other time management methods), you can help to stay more organized.

Keep to your schedule, and don’t be discouraged if you don’t see results immediately; it can take some time for you to build a routine, and if it still isn’t working for you after a while then you can adjust it.

Keep Your Body And Mind Healthy

Physical and mental health are both incredibly important, and if you struggle with ADHD then this is all the more true.

Exercise is great for helping balance out any excess energy you have built up, while healthy eating keeps your body in better shape.

Mindfulness and meditation can be tricky if you’re dealing with ADHD symptoms, but can be a great way to calm yourself down and build up coping mechanisms for bad days.

Work On Your Relationships

Having a good support network is key for staying on top of ADHD symptoms.

Maintaining relationships with your friends and family will mean you have a great network of people to support you if you’re struggling, who know what you’re going through.

It will also help you develop better behaviors when interacting with other people.

Final Thoughts

While ADHD doesn’t develop in adults, the symptoms people with ADHD experience as a child will persist throughout their life and need to be treated with therapy and/or medications.

ADHD may be harder to diagnose in adults, but there is still support out there for people with undiagnosed ADHD.

The best thing to do if you think you might have ADHD is to consult a professional. Although ADHD can be tough to deal with, with the right support you can stay on top of your symptoms and live your best life!