Is Masturbation Healthy?

Masturbation: It’s as natural as breathing, but why do some folks feel guilty?
Let’s talk about self-love, the kind that happens behind closed doors. Studies show it’s like a magic pill for relaxation, better sleep, and overall good vibes. Heck, it might even keep prostate cancer at bay! Most people do the solo tango sometimes, but here’s the kicker: some folks feel like they’ve committed a crime after.
Why does this happen? And how can you shake off these party-pooping feelings? Stick around, because we’re about to dive into the nitty-gritty of post-masturbation guilt and how to kick it to the curb. By the end of this read, you’ll be armed with knowledge to enjoy your sexuality without the side of shame.
The Guilty Party: Who’s Feeling the Heat?
If you’re beating yourself up after beating off, you’re in a big club. This guilt trip happens worldwide, to folks of all stripes. The numbers bounce around, but it’s as common as catching a cold.
The Guilt Trip: Why the Long Face After the Big O?
The reasons for feeling like a criminal after some self-loving are as mixed as a fruit salad. Here’s the usual suspects:
1. Thinking it’s naughty or dirty
2. Feeling like you’ve joined the “slutty” club
3. Brain gremlins (mental health issues)
4. Feeling like you’ve two-timed your partner
5. Porn leaving a bad taste in your mouth
6. Getting too handsy with yourself (addiction)
Let’s break it down like a funky beat:
Hands Off the Shame Button: Masturbation Isn’t Wrong
Some folks think masturbation is the devil’s hobby. Maybe it’s what they learned growing up or what their church says. But here’s the scoop: it’s as natural as scratching an itch. Our bodies are wired for pleasure. There’s no shame in that game.
Slutty? More Like Self-Love Savvy!
Ladies, listen up! Some of you might worry that enjoying some me-time makes you “slutty”. That’s baloney! Sex and self-love are as normal as eating and sleeping. Plus, it’s just you and your hand. How can that make you a “slut”?
When Your Brain Gets in the Way
A big study of 4,211 guys found that the ones feeling guilty after some solo action were more likely to have brain gremlins. We’re talking depression, anxiety, and relationship drama. If these uninvited guests are crashing your party, it’s time to chat with a doc.
Solo Sessions Aren’t Cheating
Got a partner? Some folks feel like they’re stepping out when they step in… to their own pleasure. But most of the time, a little self-love doesn’t hurt your love life. Everyone needs alone time, and sometimes that includes a party for one.
Porn: The Guilt Trip Trigger?
Sometimes it’s not the act, but the visuals that leave you feeling icky. If porn’s giving you the guilts, try the ethical stuff. Or better yet, fire up that imagination!
Too Much of a Good Thing?
It’s possible to have too much of a good thing. If your solo sessions are messing with your life or commitments, it might be time to dial it back. Worried? Have a chat with your doc.
The Last Stroke
There are plenty of reasons why you might feel like hiding under the covers after some self-love. But none of them hold water. Masturbation is as common as coffee, natural as breathing, harmless as a feather, and might even be good for you.
Feeling guilty about it can mess you up more than the act itself. So don’t beat yourself up or try to quit cold turkey, as long as it’s not wrecking your relationships or life.
Remember, your sexual health is part of the whole health package. It’s more than okay to enjoy your body and feel good. It’s downright healthy!
Author: Michelle Landeros, LMFT
Michelle Landeros is a Licensed Marriage Family Therapist (LMFT). She is passionate about helping individuals, couples and families thrive.